Topic: Software Development

This page shows 531 to 540 of 599 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | 501- | 511- | 521- | 531- | 541- | 551- | 561- | 571- | 581- | 591- | Older>>

Gary Flake - Yahoo! Research Labs

Yahoo!'s research department of scientists is busy creating new products and developing new ideas. At the time of this talk, Dr. Gary Flake was Director of Yahoo!s Research Lab, and he discusses the philosophy behind the Research Lab. He also demonstrates some of the new tools being developed a Yahoo!, including a collaborative prediction system (with prizes!) in which you can participate. [ETech 2005 audio from IT Conversations]

Paul Graham - OSCON 2005

Paul Graham, popular essayist and Lisp programmer, discusses what business can learn from open source. According to him, it's not about Linux or Firefox, but the forces that produced them. He delves into the reasons why open source is able to produce better software, why traditional workplaces are actually harmful to productivity and the reason why professionalism is overrated. [O'Reilly Open Source Convention audio from IT Conversations]

Richard Monson-Haefel - Java Superplatforms

In this session from the Application Platform Strategies track at Burton Group's 2005 Catalyst Conference, Richard Monson-Haefel compares J2EE "superplatforms"--application platforms packed with integration, deployment, and management frameworks. Richard gives advice on choosing a superplatform and lays out how Burton Group sees this market developing as superplatforms add still more features demanded by enterprise IT developers. [Burton Group Catalyst audio from IT Conversations]

Larry Wall - State of the Onion

The core design of Perl 6 is largely complete, to the extent that the language is now being implemented in earnest. In Larry Wall's ninth annual State of the Onion address, he explains Perl 6's Five Year Plan, how Perl programmers are like spies (or vice versa), and how open source can learn from the intelligence community. [O'Reilly Media's Open Source Convention audio from IT Conversations]

Ann Winblad and Laura Merling - Tech Nation

Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with Ann Winblad, co-founding partner of Hummer-Winblad Venture Partners and Laura Merling, CEO of SDForum. They discuss the global reality of both funding new software and then building it. Is it surprising? All roads lead to Silicon Valley. [Tech Nation audio from IT Conversations]

Jeremy Zawodny - Open Source at Yahoo!

In this presentation, Jeremy Zawodny talks about how Open Source software scales at Yahoo! He discusses how Yahoo! leverages Open Source software to scale its system. Yahoo! recently acquired Konfabulator and Flickr and Zawodny explains how Yahoo! is changing internally to cater to Web 2.0. [O'Reilly Open Source Convention audio from IT Conversations]

David Temkin - Opening Move

Before AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) had a name, there was Laszlo Systems, a software tools developer using AJAX-like methods along with with Macromedia's Flash Player to deliver richer Web experiences. In this conversation with Laszlo founder/CTO David Temkin, learn why he chose the Flash Player as a platform and why Laszlo went open source choosing IBM's Common Public License. What is planned for Laszlo Mail and Laszlo Calendar and how he plans to leverage rich client environments other than Flash Player. [Opening Move with Scott Mace from IT Conversations]

Anne Thomas Manes - The Advent of Superplatforms

In this keynote speech at Burton Group's 2005 Catalyst Conference Anne Thomas Manes lays out the issues to consider when dealing with the rise of network-application platforms packed with features and functionality. More functions sounds good, right? Well, Anne looks at the benefits but also points out negative implications like vendor lock-in and high barriers to entry for new developers.

Kim Polese - O'Reilly Media's OSCON 2005

How is the open-source software world slowly moving from do-it-yourself (DIY) to do-it-together (DIT)? Which companies have identified the challenge, and why is testing a barrier to the growth of the software industry? Kim Polese answers these questions and talks about her new startup, SpikeSource, in this presentation from OSCON 2005. [O'Reilly Open Source Convention audio from IT Conversations]

Asa Dotzler - Linux -- In Search of the Desktop

Why isn't Linux ready for the desktop, and what can the developer community do to increase adoption? (For that matter, can Linux ever make it big on the desktop or is it only an impossible pipe dream?) Asa Dotzler, the community coordinator for several Mozilla projects, tackles all these questions in this insightful talk from ETech 2005.
This page shows 531 to 540 of 599 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | 501- | 511- | 521- | 531- | 541- | 551- | 561- | 571- | 581- | 591- | Older>>