What People are Saying…

Honors and Awards

IT Conversations has been named one of the three Best of the Web podcasts by BusinessWeek Online.

The Conversations Network founder, Doug Kaye was among the Trendsetters selected for the AO/Technorati Open Media 100.

Doug Kaye was named Podcasting's Person of the Year.

Reviews and Testimonials

Doug Kaye operates one of the best podcasting sites, ITConversations.com, which collects interviews and panel discussions with big thinkers like Harvard Business School’s Clay Christensen, Amazon.com chief executive Jeff Bezos, and author Malcolm Gladwell. (Scott Kirsner, The Boston Globe)

…thoroughly enjoyable and useful. (John Burik)

I did not buy an MP3 for music. I bought an MP3 player to perform two functions for me. Firstly, to allow me to listen to lectures and tutorials from geeks and computer scientists that are available in MP3 format from sites such as and IT Conversations. This stuff is great to while away the hours travelling that go with the territory if you are a customer facing, consultant-type person. (Sean McGrath, PC World, IDG News Service)

This year is the third in a row that sees me missing the one conf I should most like to be at - ETCon. The one consolation this year is that Doug Kaye's IT Conversations is bringing the keynotes to us! Excellent! (Rand Anderson)

Even better, they're in a variety of formats to suit your situation. I've been downloading them to my iPod to listen to while commuting. (Eric Case)

IT Conversations is a great site, actually. No required registration, and plenty of fascinating speakers to listen to. I've taken to listening to a speech or interview while working out. (Darren Barefoot)

Doug does an awesome job of talking to interesting people. Since I can usually count on the quality of material from IT Conversations, I wrote a script to parse the RSS feed with enclosures and download the newest stuff. It's that good. (pete@rasterweb.net)

Doug's IT Conversations are great for the morning commute, too. (Steve Kirks)

Best Tech Audio Web Site. (Arjun Singh)

Rapidly becoming one of my favourite websites. (Richard MacManus)

I was riveted, gripped, hooked. It was as if something in those recordings had taken hold of something inside me. Do you have any more? (Julie Leung)

If you want to catch up with some of the better speakers in the IT industry this site may be THE best way to do it. (Dean Wilson)

Pretty cool. Looks like I need an iPod now. :-) (Hans Martin Kern)

Here's the main reason I can see having an iPOD. Audible and IT Conversations are leaders in the emerging digital-audio content domains. (Will Johnston)

I have recently become aware that IT Conversations rocks. (Jeff Hunter)

I'm hopelessly addicted to IT Conversations. (Denise Howell)

Doug Kaye's got a great thing going with his IT Conversations. (Micah Sifry)

A great site…the ability to listen to this quality of content turns a drudge into a realxing ride. (Perry White)

There's nothing like rocking out to geekspeak at 80 mph. (Paul Bausch)

What a blast! I spent several hours on a plane yesterday listening to IT Conversations. With great audio commentary focused on current technology trends and a host of interviews and conference speeches, I'll be spending a bunch of time here. Highly recommended. (Jeff Schilling)

IT Conversations audio is a gold mine! The only problem is not having enough time to listen to everything that interests me. (Marc Nozell)

Doug Kaye has provided proof that there is a place for people of talent and passion and the place is the internet. (Jim Roberts)

ITConversations is a really great site that releases various recordings on a variety of technology topics. The best part is that the site is absolutely free, and judging by the first 3 recordings I’ve listened to, the content is outstanding. (Rob Thomas)

If you're at all interested in technology you should certainly subscribe to the IT Conversations feed. It's well worth the time. (Steve Giovannetti)

This is the best tech audio web site on the net and I've now listened to all 300+ programs…I can't recommend IT Conversations.com enough. (James Tichenor)

I've been very impressed with IT Conversations. I like it because it's usually outside of the typical stuff I listen/read. (Jeff Fansler)

Some of the programs I've been enjoying the most lately are free…IT Conversations, for instance, offers panel discussions about outsourcing, the 20th anniversary of Lotus Notes, and the future of participatory media (IE, blogs). Some of the best are talks from October's PopTech conference. (FastCompany)

The content on IT Conversations alone justifies the price of my iPod. (Tim Wilson)

My favorite podcasts are being generated over at Doug Kaye's IT Conversations. If you want great audio content…check it out. (Matthew Oliphant)

I listened to most of Jerry Fiddler's talk over at IT Conversations. WOW! What a difference it made to my hour long commute! I almost didn't want to get out of the car tonight. No searching for a station, no frustration in the topics that NPR is listening too and though I love her dearly, no Terri Gross. Awesome! (Russell Beattie)

In 2003, I thought: how brilliant, mp3s for my ipod, great listening material for plane trips and excellent learning materials but then IT Conversations just continued to get better. (Phototalk)

For technology-related depth discussions, there's no better place than IT Conversations. (Neville Hobson)

Loads of interesting interviews and coverage of exciting events. This will help make my iPod even more fun. (Gary King)

I am a regular listener to IT Conversations on my iPOD. Now that I can get the feed automatically with iPodder, it's very convenient to listen on the train or on the plane. There is at least one good idea that I pick up per week, which is more than I get from reading various industry magazines or surfing haphazardly on the net. (Al Essa)

It was also a 2-hour morning commute listening to IT Conversations Pop!Tech series that made me realise to how much use my previously 'lost' time in the car could be put. (Peter Forret)

Somewhere between PodCast and Book on Tape, ITConversations has provided me with interviews and conference talks with some of the more amazing minds in our industry. (Jeremy James)

Can more people be like Doug Kaye, please? (Christopher Carfi)

If you aren't reading and listening to IT Conversations, you are missing out on a major educational opportunity. (Todd Storch)

Got comments, ciriticisms, suggestions? Send 'em to us!

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