Tim O'Reilly

Technology and Environmental Sustainability

USRio+2.0 Conference
37 minutes, 17.4mb, recorded 2012-02-02
Tim O'Reilly

How can we use technology to support sustainable development? In this university podcast, media expert Tim O'Reilly discusses notions of collective intelligence, man-machine symbiosis, and real-time feedback loops from sensors to provide a context for understanding the role of tools like FrontlineSMS, Ushahidi, Crowdflower, Samasource in powering the future. He considers Google's autonomous vehicle and unpacks the technology behind it to provide deeper insight into where technology is taking us. O'Reilly delivered his remarks at the USRio+2.0 Conference hosted at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Tim O'Reilly is founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Over the years, He has built a culture in which sustainable innovation is a key tenet of business philosophy. His active engagement with technology communities both drives his company's product development and informs its marketing. O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, research, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, honing in on the technology trends that really matter and galvanizing their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the technology pioneers who are creating the future.




This free podcast is from our Stanford Discussions series.

For The Conversations Network:

  • Post-production audio engineer: Steven Ng
  • Website editor: Marguerite Rigoglioso
  • Series producer: Zach Jenson

Photo: http://www.mitsloantech.com/2012/04/tim-oreilly-at-the-media-lab/